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Where is Odin?

Here you can see possision, aswell as toogle between satelite maps and wind data. Push the windsock to switch.

The tracker works best on computer, if you wish to use ure phone its better to download the "YB races" app

Here you can see both possition aswell as short text based uppdates about life on Odin.

Support me, be supporting the people in Kemoto.

If you like the trip. I as well as all the people in Kemoto, Gambia would be super thankful for your support. The village is in deep need for fresh drinking water as well as improvement on the school. The winter 2025 Seil med Larsen will sail to Gambia to help improve the living conditions.

We will be super thankful for all your support. That be money, things (clothes, writing equipment, electronics, tools etc...) If you are interested in the volunteering that is allso very much possible. All help is good help.

100% of all the donations will go directly to the people of Kemoto. Neither Seil med Larsen nor anybode else will get any penny from this. Its 100% non profit.

You can read more about the project in KEMOTO here:

Speciall big thanks to:

Mom and dad for both psychic and physical great support. You are the best!

Thomas Deila for great help with work on Odin. You are number ONE!

Benjamin Luane for Go-pro equipment, div things, the most amazing clothes. If you want any special clothes this guy will make it for you. +47 99534005

Solveig Augestad for help with economics.

Tor Valen for help with the webpage and tracker.

Espen Brattli for changing boat.

Arne Berdal for good help with safety equipment.

Muhammed at Ålesund Asia Shop, thansk for the help with the food. If you are in Ålesund and need something: Kirkegata 2, 6004 Ålesund

Kontakt oss

Seil med Larsen

Tlf: 47884009


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